02. November 2022 | 6:30 pm
Free admission with day ticket (reduced, regular)!
Registration via museum@sepulkralmuseum.de or 0561 / 918 93 15
with Wolfgang George
The hallmark of our time is the growth of everything "man-made" with the simultaneous loss of the "natural". This is why we speak of the Anthropocene Earth Age. The consequences of this development are unmistakable – in the form of crises with irreversible global damage already today: environmental destruction, resource consumption, climate change and social upheavals.
The evening event connects to the knowledge of the outstanding importance of a consciously led confrontation of man with his finiteness. This processual confrontation should be more urgent than ever, as one of the prerequisites of an enlightened understanding of adulthood, because (also) this establishes its social resonance and also the ecological understanding of co-existence and the environment. Taking this premise as a starting point, the evening event will focus on the attempt to answer the question of what contribution (adult) education in particular can make to a successful debate. So that people do not only have valid knowledge, but can use this also age, life situations and biography fairly. As a possible thanatagogical tool for this, the book Fehlendes Endlichkeitsbewusstsein und die Krisen im Anthropozän (Lack of finite consciousness and the crises in the Anthropocene), published as an anthology in this year 2022, should also be understood. The book will therefore be briefly presented and discussed by the participants. Finally, three further presentations will show what practice could result from this. In the concluding discussion with the guests, it will be considered how a multiplication of the concern in educational institutions, training centers, in the own working world, etc. could practically succeed.
6:30 pm
Welcome, objectives and schedule
7:00 pm
Goals, contents and authors of the book "Ende in Sicht. Fehlendes Endlichkeitsbewusstsein und die Krisen im Anthropozän" (End in sight. Lack of finite consciousness and the crises in the Anthropocene)
Wolfgang George
7:30 pm
Contribution of culture
Dirk Pörschmann
7:50 pm
Contribution of adult education
Alexandra Hessler
8:20 pm
What could be done in the communities and regions?
Open discussion with Stephan Hadraschek, Alexandra Hessler Wolfgang George, Dirk Pörschmann
Moderator: Doris Kreinhöfer
Dr. Dirk Pörschmann, Director of the Museum for Sepulchral Culture, Kassel
Stephan Hadraschek, author, mortician
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang George, editor and author, George Medical Seminar, Gießen
Dr. Alexandra Hessler, author, cultural scientist and adult educator, Kempen
Moderator: Doris Kreinhöfer,author, Leuchtfeuer Hospiz, Hamburg
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedhof und Denkmal e.V.
Zentralinstitut für Sepulkralkultur
Museum für Sepulkralkultur
Weinbergstraße 25–27
D-34117 Kassel | Germany
Tel. +49 (0)561 918 93-0