18. March 2022 | 7:00 pm
Regular museum admission applies
Programme "Suizid – Let's talk about it!"
in German
Due to current Covid 19 regulations, there is limited space available. Therefore, registration is required.
0561 / 918 93 15
Since the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court from February 2020, suicide has been valued as an expression of the right to self-determined dying, or as an act of autonomous self-determination. But the court did not forget to add that this valuation applies "in the starting point". The right to take one's own life assisted by a third party is indeed a high good. However, do common terms such as 'autonomy' or 'emancipation' reach the problem of suicide? Is the tragedy of such an act not underestimated?
Jean-Pierre Wils is a Belgian theologian and ethicist. He is a professor at Radboud University in Nijmegen. Among many treatises on issues related to death, the book "Giving oneself death" was published in 2021 on the subject of assisted suicide.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedhof und Denkmal e.V.
Zentralinstitut für Sepulkralkultur
Museum für Sepulkralkultur
Weinbergstraße 25–27
D-34117 Kassel | Germany
Tel. +49 (0)561 918 93-0