1.– 6. September 2020
Opening hours of KW 36
Tuesday to Saturday 3 – 7 pm
Sunday 11 am – 3 pm
Opening hours of the Museum for Sepulchral Culture during KW 36:
Tuesday to Saturday 10 am – 7 pm
Sunday 10 am – 5 pm
The program takes place in compliance with the applicable corona regulations.
Traditionally, the Museum Night is part of the end of the summer in Kassel. However, because everything is different in times of the Corona pandemic, an alternative format will take place in 2020 that will enable special cultural experiences: KW36 – Kasseler Woche der Museen. From September 1 to 6, 45 cultural institutions will open their doors with shared day tickets.
"The participating places, projects and institutions contribute to keeping the cultural life of the city alive even during the restrictions caused by the Corona pandemic. KW36 is an invitation to experience this diversity of Kassel's art and cultural landscape and to support it in a spirit of solidarity," said Kassel's head of cultural affairs Susanne Völker. "KW36 – Kasseler Woche der Museen is much more than a corona-conditioned alternative to the Museums Night. It is a powerful sign of the importance of culture for our coexistence in these challenging times. At the same time, it is an expression of the cohesion of the houses and initiatives among themselves and with their audiences – despite the necessary distance," explained Völker. "This makes KW36 a cultural experience as well as a cultural confession. I would therefore like to thank all 45 participating institutions and their teams as well as the sponsors and visitors for this good and important signal for Kassel's culture".
Together with Dr. Dirk Pörschmann from the Museum for Sepulchral Culture, Natascha Callebaut from the Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel and Johanna Köhler from the documenta und Museum Fridericianum gGmbH, she presented this year's format in detail. "We are delighted that this year, despite the Corona pandemic, we have found a way to open the museums to our visitors in a special way. It is very important for us to point out once again the important role that cultural institutions such as museums, castles and, in the past summer months, above all our historic gardens play for people as places where they can forget the worries and anxieties of everyday life a little," explained Natascha Callebaut, Head of the Communications Department of the Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel (mhk). "With a well thought-out hygiene concept that reduces the number of guests in favour of adhering to distance rules, we ensure that our visitors can enjoy carefree, cultural experiences".
"For documenta gGmbH, too, the Corona pandemic represented a kind of turning point. Formats and means had to be found to respond to new times with our content", said Johanna Köhler, Head of Communication and Marketing at documenta und Museum Fridericianum gGmbH. "I am delighted that an adapted form is also being launched for the Museum Night – which has a very special place in our annual calendar. The documenta gGmbH will be represented at the Museum Week by the documenta fifteen, the Fridericianum and the documenta archive".
Dr. Dirk Pörschmann, Director of the Museum for Sepulchral Culture, emphasized: "In times of crisis, reason, courage and creativity are required. To skip the Museum Night or to shift it exclusively to digital space would not have done justice to the claim, popularity and significance of this Kassel institution. I am happy that we have found a special solution within the framework of the current possibilities, which will offer our visitors a variety of cultural experiences.
The culture week is also the finissage week of the exhibition ZERNETZUNG by Marco Di Carlo.
The sculptor Marco Di Carlo (born 1980) has pervaded the Museum for Sepulchral Culture with structures of cables and objects as part of the final exhibition of his Georg Meistermann grant. He incorporates organic material from found objects and designs his installations as a symbolic coexistence of interpenetrating nature, technology and culture. Wood, bones or furs regain moments of their vitality in a fantastic way through their integration into a fabric of cables and electronic components. Di Carlo's works play with the ambivalence of our existence. We perceive death and life as different states, but from an evolutionary perspective these two categories so familiar to us make little sense, because so-called life consists simultaneously of countless processes of networking and decomposition of molecules. Human beings are part of this and do the same with these processes.
LIVE: Tuesday 1. 9. 2020
5.00 pm| 5.30 pm| 6.00 pm| 6.30 pm
15 minutes each (each walk max. 30 persons)
Artist Marco Di Carlo has produced further cable-skin sculptures for "GLOBALLY VIOLATED" - Catwalk Decomposition and will apply them to the bodies of the models who wear them on display.
The catwalk will take place throughout the museum as part of the exhibition "Zernetzung" by Marco Di Carlo and will be recorded with several cameras. An edited version will be projected during the course of the week as part of the exhibition "Zernetzung" and will continue to be available online.
Note >> Since the number of guests per catwalk is limited to 30 persons, advance reservation is recommended. If you are interested, please send us an email to: zernetzung@sepulkralmuseum.de or call us at T. 0561 91893 0.
The available places will be allocated upon receipt.
The tours are held in German language. The number of participants is limited to 10, no appointment required.
Wednesday to Saturday, 2. – 5. 9. 2020 | 3 pm
MARCO DI CARLO guides through his exhibition ZERNETZUNG.
Sunday, 6. 9. 2020 | 2 pm
MARCO DI CARLO guides through his exhibition ZERNETZUNG
Tuesday, 1. 9. und Donnerstag 3. 9. 2020 | 3 pm
The collection of the Museum for Sepulchral Culture does not only have sad and comforting things to offer. In the exhibitions you will also discover surprising things, where you can't help smiling from time to time.
Wednesday, 2. 9. 2020 | 5 pm
DAGMAR KUHLE: GROWING TOMBS (outside the museum)
Like no other material, a plant as a grave sign symbolizes the irrepressible power of life. Long before the creation of "tree graves", artistically growing grave markers were already being laid out in the grounds of the Museum of Sepulchral Culture. They will be visited during this short tour – a tour that naturally can never offer the same ...
Thursday, 3. 9. 2020 | 5 pm
The collection of the Museum for Sepulchral Culture does not only have sad and comforting things to offer. In the exhibitions you will also discover surprising things, where you can't help smiling from time to time.
Friday, 4. 9. 2020 | 5 pm
Burial and burial are often used synonymously. Here, burial means the transfer of the body to the elements, whereas burial means the transfer of the mortal remains to a concrete place. The classical elements of natural philosophy are earth, fire, water and air. This short tour deals with the regions of the world in which the types of burial associated with these elements play a role, how they are carried out in concrete terms, and also with the historical background to them.
Tuesday to Sunday, always from 4 to 6 pm
When a person dies, the relatives are left in mourning. Nothing is as it was, and everything reminds of the loved one. In the eternal absence, the current presence of the deceased is heightened. Pain and grief become part of the new life, which is now changing, through various strategies or rituals. Even simple everyday objects can be helpful in coping with loss. A father's pocket-knife, which constantly accompanies the son, a watch, jewellery or selected clothes can provide comfort and preserve the memory of a loved one in a special way. Everything is conceivable here. We would like to encourage our visitors in week 36 to use such an object, which has given us strength, for the exhibition "MEMENTO. In the Force Field of Memories" (16.11.2020 – 28.02.2021). We would like to present these things together with statements and anecdotes. For this purpose we would like to conduct short video interviews during week 36, for which interested parties are very welcome to contact us in advance: neurath@sepulkralmuseum.de
The Lange Museumsnächte (Long Museum Nights) already exist in many european countries. Kassel has been part of it almost from the beginning, because after the first German "Long Museum Night" in Berlin in 1997, the first Kassel Museum Night was opened in 1999.
The Museum of Sepulchral Culture has been taking part in this cultural event since the beginning and since then it has attracted visitors not only with the unique view of the colourfully illuminated vineyard, but also with a constantly varied programme of guided tours, new exhibitions, music, dance and theatre.
Further information is available at www.museumsnacht.de
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedhof und Denkmal e.V.
Zentralinstitut für Sepulkralkultur
Museum für Sepulkralkultur
Weinbergstraße 25–27
D-34117 Kassel | Germany
Tel. +49 (0)561 918 93-0