2. Dezember 2017 – 4. March 2018
When at the end of life the focus was on too much work and too little family, not enough joy was felt, wrong priorities were set or one's own intuition was mistrusted, then it is often the thought of repentance that gnaws at the soul at the moment of realization.
The project 'REGRET' was developed in cooperation with the Museum for Sepulchral Culture in Kassel, based on the concept development for the 25th anniversary of the museum. Under the direction of Professor Martina Bramkamp, students in the animation class at the Kunsthochschule Kassel researched and developed concepts individually related to the topic "Things we regret". Artistic works were presented as contemporary documents that are integrated into the permanent exhibition in the form of films, moving image works, radio plays and a slide show.
Participating artists were
Fiona Dietz, Max Holicki, Felix Kramer, Pascalina Krummenauer, Eeva Ojanperä, Petra Stipeti?, Maren Wiese, Chen Yang, Juan Yang
Click here to go to the website of the animation class, where some of the contributions can be viewed.
Helena Hegele
To look back on one's own works one day and not regret not having finished or tried to finish something. Enormous thoughts, which have a lot of radiant power. In this animated film, disillusionment and creative insecurity are momentarily illuminated.
Maren Wiese
Two people meeting, the moment of hesitation. How do we repent? When do we repent? Can repentance be endless and in what context does it allow for reflective levels of observation? A situational loop.
Petra Stipeti?
Making bad decisions. Three convicts are getting their last meal. Why are the protagonists in this hopeless situation? A tricky discussion in which regret is contrasted with the not-regret in an ironic way.
Pascalina Krummenauer
A funeral. Probably long hidden feelings are released. A wrong moment to reveal yourself while saying goodbye to a loved one? A confusing situation when grief, love and regret cross.
von Eeva Ojanperä
Investigations on the relationship between a daughter and her recently deceased father. They knew about each other, but hardly ever exchanged information. In three installations, the artist shows the similarities they nevertheless shared. Rare shared moments collide with missed dialogues.
Max Holicki
Just as life forms processual repetitions, the artist's digitalized flipbook forms a continuation of the remains of seemingly completed processes. Repeat playback. Transparent, crackling, aroused. A resumption of steady repetition.
Chen Yang
A hole in the tooth warns us that not everything in life can regenerate. The visit to the dentist as a simple moment in life, which often decides. The artist remembers an awareness of her own tooth and her health and apologetically honors the tooth with a necklace.
Felix Kramer
in collaboration with the Brachland-Ensemble
An audio-installation, which narratively represents the phases of life, birth, death and retrospective. From a small white woollen cap to a red grave light, things and objects accompany us from beginning to end. But what do we have left in the end when we are no longer ourselves?
Juan Yang und Fiona Dietz
A young woman remembers the time with her grandmother. A time when she and her mother brought cookies to her bed The way and/or away. Noun or adverb? That she ate the biscuits herself, she concealed, and as a grandmother was no more, she would have liked to tell the secret.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedhof und Denkmal e.V.
Zentralinstitut für Sepulkralkultur
Museum für Sepulkralkultur
Weinbergstraße 25–27
D-34117 Kassel | Germany
Tel. +49 (0)561 918 93-0