The Museum for Sepulchral Culture is dedicated to the issues of dying, death, burial, mourning and remembrance. Through education, consultation and outreach in exhibitions, conferences, lectures, seminars and events, it is possible to initiate discourses that on the one hand vividly accompany the transformation of the sepulchral culture and on the other hand offer the opportunity for a conscious examination of death: This not only evokes the chance of manifold self-reflection, but also contributes significantly to the recognition of the special value, uniqueness and dignity of our human existence.
The Museum for Sepulchral Culture is the only independent institution committed exclusively to cultural and scientific standards that deals with the entire spectrum of the so-called Last Things. The museum encourages its visitors to view the often taboo general theme of "death" with expertise, research and communication, with understanding, perseverance and humour.
The central tasks of the Museum for Sepulchral Culture and the associated Central Institute are to research, promote and communicate cultural values in the fields of burial, cemetery and monumentalism. They inform the public about the social consensus – but also about legitimate conflicts – on how to deal with dying, death and mourning and illustrate the cultural-historical backgrounds and changes associated with them.
Particular importance is attached to the preservation, research and communication of museum collections. The collections with approx. 20,000 objects, which cover the period from the 1st century CE. to the present day, are continuously expanded and documented. Worldwide cooperation with institutions and educational institutions is being intensified in order to strengthen the central role as a research and information centre.
Knowledge processes are promoted across generations, cultures and religions, which is why cultural education is a focal point of the museum's work. The Museum for Sepulchral Culture traditionally addresses all social groups, and will continue to do so in the future, for whom a comprehensive examination of sepulchral themes is central. A wide range of educational opportunities has also been developed for young people. The museum provides barrier-free access in order to avoid cognitive and mobility restrictions in reception.
A programme of events geared to the thematic area of the museum is a cornerstone of cultural education – from seminars and conferences to workshops. The museum does not see itself as a place of rigid presentation and a top-down address, but as an open and participatory social space. Readings, theatre or dance performances, performances, comedy and cabaret, concerts and didactically prepared children's birthdays take place here.
At the Museum for Sepulchral Culture, the orientation and possible effects are always scrutinised in order to ensure that the changing needs of visitors in terms of offerings and infrastructure are kept up to date.
The Management Board, the Management Board and the Staff of the Museum for Sepulchral Culture, Kassel, October 2018
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedhof und Denkmal e.V.
Zentralinstitut für Sepulkralkultur
Museum für Sepulkralkultur
Weinbergstraße 25–27
D-34117 Kassel | Germany
Tel. +49 (0)561 918 93-0