The Museum for Sepulchral Culture will open a comprehensive special exhibition on suicide in 2021 on the occasion of World Suicide Prevention Day (10th September). This exhibition will use examples from art and cultural history, medicine, the humanities and social sciences to provde information, suggestions, challenges, and opportunities to reflect on how society and individuals deal with suicide. A book publication as well as an extensive event programme will accompany the exhibition in cooperation with other institutions, associations and societies. The aim is to promote public communication on suicide.
This project gave rise to a cooperation between the Museum for Sepulchral Culture and the suicideologist Prof. Dr. Reinhard Lindner at the Institute for Social Welfare at the University of Kassel. Together they planned a seminar that can be chosen as a project seminar for students of the BA course in Social Work and the MA course in Clinical Psychology. Under the title "Public Relations in Suicide Prevention: Preparing an Exhibition on Suicide Associates Society", students have been working on the background and strategies of public relations work in the health and social sectors in multidisciplinary cooperation since the beginning of 2019. A lecturer from the field of art and cultural studies has also accompanied the first two seminars in 2019/ 2020.
In the 2019 summer semester, the students had an introduction to the basics of suicide prevention and museum work and chose their own sub-projects to work with literature research and methods of social research. In this way, various facets of the broad spectrum relating to suicide were addressed. In the winter semester 2019/20, new or more in-depth approaches were chosen together with new seminar participants to explore how relatives of suicide victims, caregivers, suicidal persons and society view the taboo subject of suicide in Germany. In a second step, they contacted groups and experts directly who could be assigned to the positions mentioned above (e.g. relatives around suicide and members of the helping professions) and asked how they would like an exhibition on the subject of suicide and what they consider important or critical. The diverse results and suggestions from research and interviews also be prepare parts of the exhibition.
Further seminars are planned from summer semester 2021 to summer semester 2022 to familiarize students with the implementation and evaluation of publicity strategies for suicide prevention using the practical example of the special exhibition.
They will also have the opportunity to participate directly in the interdisciplinary exchange and current debates on suicide prevention in a workshop-like seminar.
Cooperation partner
Position: Research associate at the University of Kassel
Position: Head of the National Suicide Prevention Programme for Germany (NaSPro)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedhof und Denkmal e.V.
Zentralinstitut für Sepulkralkultur
Museum für Sepulkralkultur
Weinbergstraße 25–27
D-34117 Kassel | Germany
Tel. +49 (0)561 918 93-0