22. November 2022
6:00 pm

Accompanying programme "Dialogue With The End"


Place: Museum for Sepulchral Culture

Registration via 0561 918 93 15 or museum@sepulkralmuseum.de

Free admission!



Accompanying terminally ill children and adolescents at the end of life

Lecture & talk with Beate Burmester, Psychological Counseling, Bereavement Support and Palliative Care
In cooperation with Die Kleinen Riesen Nordhessen gGmbH

When an illness can no longer be cured, the work of our outpatient pediatric palliative care team begins. Our care concept meets the wishes of terminally ill children and adolescents and their families: to spend as much time as possible at the end of life together at home.

The comprehensive, holistic medical, nursing, socio-pedagogical and pastoral care of the patients and their relatives plays an important role in this. We respond individually to the needs of the patients and their families. The aim is to achieve the best possible quality of life, self-determination and dignity in this difficult life situation.

The certainty of having competent support from our pediatric palliative team at all times gives the affected families peace of mind and security to experience the time with their ill child until the end, protected and cared for in their familiar home.

Beate Burmester
Beate Burmester
© Kleine Riesen Nordhessen gGmbH

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Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedhof und Denkmal e.V.

Zentralinstitut für Sepulkralkultur

Museum für Sepulkralkultur

Weinbergstraße 25–27
D-34117 Kassel | Germany
Tel. +49 (0)561 918 93-0

Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst
Kassel Documenta Stadt
Deutsche Bischofskonferenz