02. September 2023
5:00 pm to 1:00 am
03. September 2023
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Tickets are available at the advance booking offices - also with us!
We offer a colorful program also this year!
After the Museum Night was suspended as usual in the documenta year 2022 and replaced by the Museum Week format in 2020 and 2021, this year we are celebrating the first Museum Night in a long time!
In addition to the other numerous cultural institutions in Kassel, the Museum for Sepulchral Culture invites again.
Dying and death, mourning and commemoration are the central themes that Sepulchral Culture deals with. The collection includes shrouds, coffins, carriages and mourning costumes as well as pictorial representations and works of art on the subject of dying and death with insights into rituals of different cultures.
Consolation – Tracing A Human Need
The exhibition examines the phenomenon of consolation from cultural, religious and artistic perspectives and reflects on how we can confront experiences of loss and the pain associated with them.
R.I.(a)P. – Rest In (a) Piece. For an exit with style.
How far would a brand go with its branding? Would anyone buy a branded coffin? Artist Wowo Kraus presents the luxury object for the final journey: a Chanel coffin he designed.
open 5:00 to 1:00 pm
5:00 pm
تسلی خاطر و دلداری Short tour in Persian language
6:00 pm
Consolation. Short tour in German with Ukrainian translation.
7:00 pm
K(lang)B(ild)W(ort): Impro-performance with Axel Garbelmann (word), Axel Kretschmer (sound) and members of the Zeicheninstitut (image). The artists will work on terms in response to calls from the audience. Duration: 20 min.
8:00 pm
تسلی خاطر و دلداری Short tour in Persian language
9:00 pm
K(lang)B(ild)W(ort): Impro-performance with Axel Garbelmann (word), Axel Kretschmer (sound) and members of the Zeicheninstitut (image). The artists will work on terms in response to calls from the audience. Duration: 20 min.
10:00 pm
Consolation. Short tour in German with Ukrainian translation.
11:00 pm
K(lang)B(ild)W(ort): Impro-performance with Axel Garbelmann (word), Axel Kretschmer (sound) and members of the Zeicheninstitut (image). The artists will work on terms in response to calls from the audience. Duration: 20 min.
12:00 am
Consolation. Short tour in English language
open 1:00 to 5:00 pm
1:00 pm
مجموعه عکس های قبور مربوط به سال های ۱۹۷۰ تا ۲۰۱۷، عکاسی شده توسط کارل اویترهاگن. یک مجموعه در موزه فرهنگ قبرستانی در کاسل. | The photographs of graves by Carl Uytterhagen from 1970 to 2017. A collection in the Museum for Sepulchral Culture in Kassel. Lecture by Nasim Mohammadi.
1:00 to 3:00 pm
Planting flowers in the sky. Participation station for children with Buchkinder e.V.
2:00 pm
How animals comfort. Short tour for children from 6 years.
3:00 pm
All the rage. Fashion and Death. With Gerold Eppler, Museum for Sepulchral Culture.
4:00 pm
How animals comfort. Short tour for children from 6 years.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedhof und Denkmal e.V.
Zentralinstitut für Sepulkralkultur
Museum für Sepulkralkultur
Weinbergstraße 25–27
D-34117 Kassel | Germany
Tel. +49 (0)561 918 93-0