10. November 2021 | 6:00 pm
Regular museum admission applies
Programme "Suizid – Let's talk about it!"
in German
Due to current Covid 19 regulations, there is limited space available. Therefore, registration is required.
0561 / 918 93 15
Lecture and Talk with Torsten F. Barthel
"There is only one serious philosophical problem: suicide." So wrote Albert Camus in 1942 in his Myth of Sisyphus. That suicide can also be an equally serious legal problem is thus not excluded.
The topic of suicide has cross-cutting references to various areas of law, which we will discuss with Torsten Barthel.
Prof. Dr. Torsten F. Barthel, LL.M. is Professor of General Administrative Law at the Kommunale Hochschule für Verwaltung in Lower Saxony as well as a lawyer and legal advisor to the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedhof und Denkmal e. V. (Cemetery and Monument Association).
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedhof und Denkmal e.V.
Zentralinstitut für Sepulkralkultur
Museum für Sepulkralkultur
Weinbergstraße 25–27
D-34117 Kassel | Germany
Tel. +49 (0)561 918 93-0