Date on request
Participation is free of charge
Requests and questions: or 0561 918 93 23
The topic of "student suicide" is still largely avoided in schools. If the suicide of a student occurs, such an event evokes a shock in all those affected – whether in the family, among friends or at school – which in most cases is associated with feelings of guilt. Since suicide is the second most common cause of death among young people and this age group is usually still in school, it seems necessary to the Museum for Sepulchral Culture that teachers should prepare themselves for such an event. Together with the Berlin counseling center neuhland – Hilfe in Krisen gGmbH, the museum therefore offers a teacher training course.
Fabian Wieneke, psychologist and psychotherapist, will report on the characteristics of and risk factors for crises and suicidal tendencies in childhood and adolescence and present the work of the neuhland counseling center. In addition, the training will outline explanatory approaches to suicidality in young people. Information on support services within and outside of schools when suicidal intentions are suspected among students will support schools in their role as gatekeepers and as a place of prevention.
The link to the event with dial-in instructions will be provided upon registration at A virtual tour of the "Suizid – Let's talk about it!" exhibit is available >>here.
The offer is aimed exclusively at teachers and UBUS staff from the state of Hesse and teachers from independent schools in the Kassel education region.
Please note that you will also need your personnel number on the day of the event;
– in case of a sudden prevention, please send a cancellation immediately to the address below;
– the usual hygiene regulations must be observed at classroom events.
Museum of Sepulchral Culture Weinbergstrasse 25-27, Kassel
Fabian Wieneke, neuhland - help in crises gGmbH
Participation is free of charge
Position: Deputy Director, Museum Education
Telefon: 0561 / 918 93 23
Position: Secretariat
Telefon: 0561 918 93 40
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedhof und Denkmal e.V.
Zentralinstitut für Sepulkralkultur
Museum für Sepulkralkultur
Weinbergstraße 25–27
D-34117 Kassel | Germany
Tel. +49 (0)561 918 93-0