***The symposium is unfortunately canceled due to too few registrations.***
Accompanying programme "Dialogue With The End"
Place: Museum for Sepulchral Culture
Registration via 0561 918 93 15 or museum@sepulkralmuseum.de
Free admission!
Since the beginning of the year, the traveling exhibition "Dialogue with the End" has been touring through Germany, inspiring many conversations and touching people. Organizers, facilitators and partners have contributed to this success on site and have been able to gather a lot of experience.
There was a lot of feedback, suggestions and wishes, which will now be exchanged and discussed in a symposium. A varied program and chances to enter into dialogue is planned.
An event of the Körber Foundation and the Beisheim Foundation in cooperation with the Museum for Sepulchral Culture.
12:00 pm
Welcome at the Museum for Sepulchral Culture
Welcome by Dr. Dirk Pörschmann, Museum for Sepulchral Culture
Welcome by Louisa-Dominique Riedel, Beisheim Fpundation, & Jonathan Petzold,
Körber Foundation
12:10 pm
“Dialogue With The End” – How it all began
Talk with the artists Steffen Baraniak & Sylvie Hohlbaum
12:30 pm
Numbers, data, facts - and many conversations
Review with Louisa-Dominique Riedel & Jonathan Petzold
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
Experiences from the sites – What do you want to talk about?
Break Out Sessions, in which participants exchange ideas and network in small groups about their work in the field.
3:00 pm
Experience from the locations
Summary of the Break Out Sessions – Moderated by Louisa-Dominique Riedel & Jonathan Petzold
3:15 pmCoffee break
3:30 pm
Love the first day of the rest of your life
Reading and talk with Johanna Klug, author
4:15 pm
Closing Note – End-of-life care in Germany
Prof. Dr. Hendrikje Stanze, Bremen College
4:45 pm
Outlook: What's next for the "Dialogue With The End"?
Louisa-Dominique Riedel, Jonathan Petzold & Annkatrin Meyer, Dialog im Dunkeln e.V.
Contact persons:
Jonathan Petzold, Petzold@koerber-stiftung.de
Rebecca Jacob, Jacob@koerber-stiftung.de
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedhof und Denkmal e.V.
Zentralinstitut für Sepulkralkultur
Museum für Sepulkralkultur
Weinbergstraße 25–27
D-34117 Kassel | Germany
Tel. +49 (0)561 918 93-0