07. June 2023 | 6:00 pm
Free admission
Registration via 0561 918 93 15 or museum@sepulkralmuseum.de
Talk with Sabine and Susanne Weingardt
Nurses, palliative care professionals, trainers and business facilitators
Who doesn't know it, the situation in which it takes a word, a hug or just a look to feel better? Comfort, says Sabine Weingardt, is universal. "When you think of comfort, you often immediately think of loss. But no one has to have died to need comfort." This is where the event TROST SCHENKEN comes in – an open offer that everyone can use as he or she needs it at the moment.
Comfort is a conscious turning to people who are grieving, experiencing suffering, pain in all its dimensions. Comfort includes someone who can give attention to the person affected. "Some people have lost a loved one, for others the loss happened years ago and some carry a sadness because life is changing. Still others want to give comfort to their fellow human beings and ask themselves how" – the twins Sabine and Susanne Weingardt invite people to talk about this in the group. If necessary, individual discussions are also possible.
To start with, there will be an insight into the special exhibition "CONSOLATION – Tracing A Human Need". Through contemporary artistic exhibits and cultural-historical artefacts, the exhibition offers visitors aesthetic and sensual experiences as well as intellectual approaches to make the topic of comfort tangible in its complexity. With the experiences from the exhibition, it can then become personal. "Then we can discuss what's on our minds," says Sabine Weingardt.
Sabine and Susanne Weingardt work as nurses, palliative care specialists, trainers and business moderators in Kassel and Berlin.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedhof und Denkmal e.V.
Zentralinstitut für Sepulkralkultur
Museum für Sepulkralkultur
Weinbergstraße 25–27
D-34117 Kassel | Germany
Tel. +49 (0)561 918 93-0